
SOLFUL: The Mysterious Origin

In the beginning, before light, sound, color and beauty there was only an empty void that made up the universe. It was a dark, desolate place, empty and almost completely devoid of life. Almost. For there was one being living in the dark nothingness, one Solful creature. Destined to be alone for all eternity, the creature would have wished for more, for a purpose of its existence, but alas, surrounded by nothing but memories filled with darkness, the creature simply could not imagine anything more than the hollow empty void in which it dwelled.

Suddenly, the creature saw. A vision. After such a long time of living in the darkness, the creature was confused as it struggled to comprehend the mere concept of light and color, of the sounds it heard and the shapes it saw. Swatches of green flecked with tiny colorful shapes stretched out before it, and tall brown poles topped with more greenery dotted around the landscape. A thick blue line cut through the green, and it seemed to flow as if it were constantly moving. Confused, the creature took a calling out into the darkness: “Hello, can anybody hear me? It’s so cold out here.. I don’t want to be alone anymore.” It called as the vision slowly faded away.

A moment after the vision’s disappearance a speck of blue light appeared in the distance. With its heart racing and cautious hope, the creature ran toward the light and as it drew closer it saw a ray emanating from a wide ring housed within a dark structure towering overhead. Transcriptions surrounding the ring seemed like a language that a simple being was not able to comprehend but the sound emitting from the light kept drawing it closer making the creature fall into sudden dizziness as an abrupt force sucked it’s body through the portal.

The eye has opened. Standing in shock with the strange feeling of real texture beneath its feet, the creature stared, awestruck, at the world that now surrounded it. It all looked familiar. It was the place from its vision. The place it has longed for. Overwhelmed by the various sights, sounds, smells, and feelings, the creature walked through its new world as the light faded and sank away in the distance, it walked in darkness until the light emerged once more and a new day began. This time, however, it wandered in wonder rather than in despair. For the first time in its impossibly long life, hope of something better was finally possible.

Time is not something a creature is concerned with. Nor its destination. The connection with the forest is all it cared for. And there was a day when the connection fell off. The glow of the flowers was signaling some kind of event. An unidentified noise has been detected. Far off in the distance, in the direction from which the creature had come, a great pillar of light shone into the sky and the creature knew that the portal responsible for bringing it to this new world had opened once more. With haste the creature ran to the peak of the hill, afraid of missing whatever the event may reveal it stared into the distance. The portal shone brightly, open and inviting. Cocking its head, the creature examined the portal, waiting for it to either disappear or for something to come from within it. Impatient and confused, the creature simply uttered a single sentence:

“Is this the end or a new beginning?”

SOLFUL CHAPTER #2: "The Summon of Divinity"

..It was a new beginning after all. As the portal opened it seemed like multiple little dark figures started coming out of it. At least that's what the creature could observe watching from the top of the waterfall. Confusion and fear suddenly took over. Another form of life in the forest? That's not something it encountered before. However, curiosity led the Creature to proceed upon further inspection.

Running down the waterfall, maneuvering through old oaks, alluring smell of pine tree branches in the air and glowing flower fields, creature got close enough to examine this unfamiliar activity upon Portal grounds. It's been a long time since it hasn't visited this area. Spotting a good hiding place between few bigger rocks, it started observing these dark figures in much closer range. To it's own surprise they all looked familiar. They looked like the creature just with slightly different forms. These new creatures looked mostly confused and lost, just the way it was at the beginning of entering the forest. Can it be that they all came from the same dark void? Taking a risk and approaching them slowly, interacting with each one by one a sudden connection seemed to start to form. It sensed that creatures have been longing for this connection. It was not alone anymore, there were many more of them, just like itself.

The Peaceful Forest has now been populated with various kinds of creatures. Often interacting with each other without any specific intention. Most of them just wander around aimlessly and enjoy the nature and peace provided by the environment. Some of them however, started building a system of The Peaceful Forest. Some rules have been set out and the grounds have been mapped but it's all mostly for the good of the forest. Following the build of The Peaceful Forest's system a few workshops have been established. A part of the forest's creatures have taken up the role of helping out others with various tasks in exchange for other goods. Most skilled, determined and committed to learning creatures have become of a significant importance to Peaceful Forest's Network ecosystem..

As forest life started to move, the connection between the creatures started to grow. This synergy seemed to have an affect on the environment and some unidentified force watching over. During some dark nights the creature began to have reappearing visions. This time it was not a place. This time it seemed to keep seeing visions of some sort of unseen life form.. A creature much bigger than itself. The visions were not clear and all it could gather from them is that this new unidentified force had a strong attraction to it. It was giving a feeling of safety. A feeling of being taken care by something greater. With its bright aura and elements, it was still hard to grasp on what exactly it may be. Maybe creatures were not the only ones that went through the Portal..?

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